sâmbătă, 27 iunie 2020

List of 40 free educational websites ..

Enough with the words, here is a great list of 40 useful links where you can learn a lot for free:

1. ALISON – over 60 million lessons and records 1.2 million unique visitors per month

2. COURSERA – Educational website that works with universities to get their courses on the Internet, free for you to use. Learn from over 542 courses.

3. The University of Reddit – The free university of Reddit.

4. UDACITY – Advance your education and career through project-based online classes, mainly focused around computer, data science and mathematics.

5. MIT Open CourseWare – Free access to quite a few MIT courses that are on par with what you’d expect from MIT.

6. Open Culture – Compendium of free learning resources, including courses, textbooks, and videos/films.

7. No Excuse List – Huge list of websites to learn from.

8. Open YALE Courses – Open Yale Courses provides free and open access to a selection of introductory courses taught by distinguished teachers and scholars at Yale University All lectures were recorded in the Yale College classroom and are available in video, audio, and text transcript formats. Registration is not required

9. Khan Academy – Watch thousands of micro-lectures on topics ranging from history and medicine to chemistry and computer science.

10. Zooniverse – Take part in a huge variety of interesting studies of nature, science, and culture.

11. TUFTS Open CourseWare – Tufts OpenCourseWare is part of a new educational movement initiated by MIT that provides free access to course content for everyone online. Tufts’ course offerings demonstrate the University’s strength in the life sciences in addition to its multidisciplinary approach, international perspective and underlying ethic of service to its local, national and international communities.

12. How Stuff Works? – More scientific lessons and explanations than you could sort through in an entire year.

13. Harvard Medical School Open Courseware The mission of the Harvard Medical School Open Courseware Initiative is to exchange knowledge from the Harvard community of scholars to other academic institutions, prospective students, and the general public.

14. VideoLectures.NET – the title says it all – amazing video lectures on many topics.

15. TED – Motivational and educational lectures from noteworthy professionals around the world.

16. Shodor – A non-profit research and education organisation dedicated to the advancement of science and math education, specifically trough the use of modeling and simulation technologies. Included in this site are instructional resources, software, interactive lessons, explorations and information about workshops for students, teachers and learners of all ages on mathematics and science. Make sure you check Shodor Interactive – a great collection of interactive math, geometry, fractal, probability, algebra and statistics activities.

17. Udemy FREE Courses – hundreds of experts teach on Udemy every month including New York Times best-selling authors, CEOs, Ivy League professionals and celebrity instructors. Courses include video, live lectures and tools to help teachers interact with students and track their progress. There are many free courses that can teach you business, law, programming, design, mathematics, science, photography, yoga and many more.

18. Maths & Science – Courses, tests and learning materials about mathematics and science for students from 1 to 12 grade.

19. edX.org – Free courses designed specifically for interactive study via the web, provided by MIT, Harvard, Barkley, Georgetown, Boston University, University of Washington, Karolinska Institute, Kyoto University and many more.

20. iTunes U – Apple’s free app that gives students mobile access to many courses. It offers many free video courses, books, presentations and audio lectures.

21. Liberty Classroom – Owned by bestselling author Tom Woods. Offers some free courses in history and economics, but at the price of one movie ticket a month you can gain access to a lot of useful information. Not completely free, but totally worth it…

22. Drawspace – Hundreds of free drawing lessons.

23. Codeacademy – Easy way to learn how to code. It’s interactive, fun and you can do it with your friends.

24. Duke U – Duke offers variety of free courses on iTunesU.

25. Scitable – A free science library and personal learning tool that currently concentrates on genetic, the study of evolution, variation and the rich complexity of living organisms.

26. My own business – Offers free online business administration course that would be beneficial to new managers and to anyone who is interested in starting a business.

27. Kutztown University’s free courses – The Kutztown University of Pennsylvania’s Small Business Development Center offers more than 80 free business courses online. Kutztown’s courses are individualized and self-paced. Many of the courses feature high-end graphics, interactive case studies and audio streams.

28. Open Learn – Gives you free access to Open University course materials.

29. Free Computer Books – Free computer, mathematics, technical books and lecture notes.

30. Academic Earth – Free video lectures from the world’s top scholars.31. American Sign Language Browser – Teach yourself sign language online

32. BBC Languages – Teach yourself a new spoken language online.

33. unplugthetv – Randomly selects an educational video for you to watch.

34. Lifehacker – Learn to hack life! Tips and tricks for improving all areas of your life.

35. JustinGuitar – Hundreds of free guitar lessons as well as some basic music theory.

36. DuoLingo – Learn a new language for free while helping to translate the web.

37. Layers Magazine - Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, Flash, Premiere Pro, In Design and After Effects tutorials.

38. Creative Flow – list of OVER 950 Photoshop tutorials to keep your skillset up to date.

39. Open2study – Open2Study delivers free, high-quality education online. You can study subjects with real value, and in just four weeks you can learn something new, explore the next step in your career, challenge yourself or simply satisfy your curiosity. These subjects are provided by leading Australian institutions, and are taught by academics and leading industry professionals who love to teach. All you need is an internet connection and the desire to study.

40. OEDb – Choose from over 10,000 free online classes

vineri, 19 iunie 2020

Chef de catarat prin munti si vai?

Atunci te invit sa citesti si sa respecti Codul international de semnalizare pe munte in caz de pericol. Acest cod a fost adoptat de Congresul Uniunii Internationale a Asociatiilor Alpine (U.I.A.A.), care a avut loc la Paris in 1937 si este folosit de turistii din intreaga lume.

Semnalele emise in caz de pericol sunt de trei feluri: luminoase, vizuale si acustice.
1. semnalele luminoase: Noaptea se lanseaza cu ajutorul unei lanterne, a unui felinar, a unui foc de tabara, primus, etc, iar ziua cu ajutorul unei oglinzi.
2. semnale vizuale: In afara de semnalele luminoase, se pot executa semnale vizuale prin fluturarea unei esarfe sau a altor obiecte de imbracaminte.
3. semnale acustice: Strigate, fluieraturi, lovirea unor obiecte metalice (piolet, bete de cort, ceaun, linguri, farfurii de tabla, etc).
Se lanseaza cate 6 semnale, din 10 in 10 secunde, timp de un minut; intre grupurile de 67 semnale se face o pauza de un minut. Pentru raspuns se utilizeaza 3 semnale pe minut, urmand un minut de pauza.

In cazul in care turistul aflat in stare de pericol se afla intr-un refugiu alpin sau in vecinatatea lui, da alarma ridicand fanionul rosu, aflat obligatoriu in dotarea adapostului. Toate cabanele trebuie sa aiba in dotare trusa medicala si sa constituie, in caz de accident, puncte de anuntare pentru interventii salvamont.

Traseele trebuie alese in functie de experienta si pregatirea voastra; documentati-va asupra traseului pe care urmeaza sa-l parcurgeti;

Discutati cu cabanierii, padurarii, ciobanii despre starea traseului (despre poteci, podete, marcaje, poteci si puncte de salvamont);

Nu plecati in drumetie daca sunteti obosit sau daca va aflati in convalescenta;

Incercati sa aveti un pas regulat, deoarece mersul grabit si inconstant duce la epuizarea resurselor de energie intr-un timp foarte scurt;

Nu consumati bauturi alcoolice inainte sau in timpul excursiei, caci slabesc organismul, iarna favorizand inghetul; de preferinta, nu fumati in timpul excursiei;

Informati-va asupra prognozei meteo pentru cel putin 24 de ore si evitati drumetiile pe vreme nefavorabila;

In caz de furtuna sau ploaie cu descarcari electice, parasiti culmea si nu va adapostiti langa copaci izolati, inalti sau langa stanci, care ar putea atrage traznetele;

In caz de ceata, ploaie puternica sau viscol, cautati urgent un adapost;

Evitati strigatele si zgomotele puternice in zonele unde se pot produce avalanse;

Folositi incaltaminte si imbracaminte adecvate anotimpului si traseului pe care il veti parcurge;

Nu incarcati rucsacul peste limite rezonabile;

Luati de preferinta o harta si o busola si, neaparat, trusa medicala;

Nu faceti focul in padure; nu aruncati chibrituri sau tigari aprinse;

La plecarea dintr-un popas lasati curat in urma voastra.

miercuri, 17 iunie 2020

4 ore - corpul, o enciclopedie de informatii vitale pentru tine.

Să ne lămurim: nu sunt nici medic, nici doctor în ştiinţe.

Sunt un strângător meticulos de date cu acces la mulți dintre cei mai buni atleți și oameni de știință ai lumii.

Asta mă pune într-o poziție destul de neobișnuită.

Pot să trag învățăminte din discipline și subculturi care rareori intră în contact și pot să testez diverse ipoteze folosind un tip de autoexperimentare pe care specialiștii din cadrul instituţiilor nu îl pot aproba (deși ajutorul lor din spatele scenei este crucial).

Punând sub semnul întrebării premise fundamentale, este posibil să dai peste soluții simple și neobișnuite la probleme foarte vechi.

Grăsime în plus? Încearcă proteine luate programat și suc de lămâie înainte de mese.

Prea puțini mușchi? Încearcă ghimbir și varză acră.

Nu poți dormi? Încearcă să îți crești grăsimea saturată sau să te expui la frig.

Această carte include descoperirile a mai bine de 100 de doctori în diferite domenii, oameni de știință de la NASA, medici, atleți olimpici, antrenori profesioniști (de la NFL la MLB), deținători de recorduri mondiale, specialiști înreabilitare de la Super Bowl și chiar foști antrenori din Blocul de Est.

Vei întâlni unele dintre cele mai incredibile specimene pe care le-ai văzut vreodată, inclusiv transformări înainte-și-după.

Nu am de păstrat o carieră academică de tipul „ori publici, ori ești mort” și acesta este un lucru bun.

După cum mi-a spus un medic de la o cunoscută universitate de top, în timp ce luam prânzul: "Suntem antrenați timp de 20 de ani să avem aversiune față de risc. Mi-ar plăcea să experimentez, dar aș risca tot ce am construit în peste două decenii de școală și pregătire. Aș avea nevoie de un colier care să-mi dea imunitate. Universitatea nu ar tolera niciodată aşa ceva".

Apoi a adăugat: „Tu ai putea fi «calul negru»”.

Timothy Ferriss

Ai 571 de pagini cu informatii vitale pentru tine

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